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Author Info

Joachim Joe Feise

Who I am and what I do

Picture of author * Occupation:
* Senior Software Engineer
* Education:
* Diplom-Informatik Degree, TU Berlin, Germany, 1993 (equivalent to Master's Degree in Computer Science)
* Master's Degree in Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, 1998
* Former Ph.D. Candidate, ABD (All But Dissertation), Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine

The Race to Space

Pictures from the SpaceShipOne launch on June 21, 2004.
Pictures from the SpaceShipOne launch for the X-Prize competition on September 29, 2004.
Pictures from the SpaceShipOne launch for the X-Prize competition on October 4, 2004.

Solar Eclipses

Pictures from the partial Solar Eclipse (visible across the Pacific) on June 10, 2002.
Pictures from the total Solar Eclipse (visible in Europe) on August 11, 1999.


* The Big One
* Flying. I got my Private Pilot Certificate in 1996
* I also have a lifelong interest in gliders (but no license yet). I have finally started to take glider flying lessons, but due to time constraints I wasn't able to continue yet.
* Outdoor activities
* Hiking. I like challenges like the Grand Canyon and Mount Whitney
* October 5, 1997: Mount Whitney (Elevation 14497 feet) in One Day!!
Cruel, but it was absolutely worth every minute! Pictures are now available online.
* Mount Whitney Mountaineers Route (Labor Day weekend 2006): Pictures here.
* September 2003: Yosemite, Half Dome Trail. I have put some pictures up.
* July 7, 2007: Mount Whitney via the Mountaineers Route!!
Pictures are now up.
* July 6-7, 2008: Zion Nationalpark: Zion Narrows:
Pictures here.
* April 2011: Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim!
* September 2011: Mount Whitney once again.
* Computer activities
* Windows stuff for work
* Linux for fun
* The history of computing
* Personal Obsession
* Getting Americans to acknowledge that a German, Konrad Zuse, was the "Creator of the first fully automated, program-controlled and freely programmable computer using binary floating-point calculation. It was operational in 1941." (Professor F.L. Bauer)
This computer was called Z3.
A replica is on exhibit in the German Museum in Munich, Germany.
* The most important Event
* The fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989
* The ultimate dream trip
* Driving the TransAmericana (Trans-American Highway) from Alaska to Fireland
* Miscellaneous
* My Blogs about issues with the on-campus housing at UCI are now online here and here.
* My general Blog.
* My cats Cleo and Tiger.
* Modifications to my car, a Mazda Miata (outside the US known as MX5.)
* I am a fan of Yevgeny Zamyatin's novel "We." In 1981, the German TV station ZDF produced a movie based on the novel (see the IMDb entry.)
I am still trying to find a copy of it . . .


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